
Bereavement: The period of time or state of being when someone is grieving the death of someone.

child physical abuse

Child physical abuse (CPA): Discipline of a child by an adult in a parenting, caretaking, teaching, or coaching role that results in physical injury.

child sexual abuse

Child sexual abuse (CSA): Sexual behavior between a child and someone in a parenting, caretaking, teaching, or coaching role.


Cognitive-behavioral: An approach to therapy that focuses on skills to manage upsetting feelings, thoughts, physical actions, and misbehavior.

coping skills

Coping skills: Strategies used to manage upsetting feelings, thoughts, and physiological arousal.

culturally relevant

Culturally relevant: Awareness and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities among people of different backgrounds.


Dissemination: Distribution of valuable information to target audiences, such as therapists, teachers, and caregivers.

domestic violence

Domestic violence: Verbal or physical violence between two adults living together. Children are impacted by witnessing domestic violence.

erin’s law

Erin’s Law: A federal law mandating child sexual abuse prevention taught to all children attending public school in the United States.

evidence based

Evidence based: Evaluated and shown to work using rigorous scientific methods (e.g., randomized controlled trials).