Talking about trauma and grief has never been more important than it is right now

We know that far too many children are suffering from trauma and, as a result, are afraid, sad, and angry.

For two decades, Child HELP Partnership has been dedicated to building resilience in individuals, families, schools, and communities. Children need coping skills and help feeling connected. Parents and other caregivers need support and practical suggestions. Professionals need guidance on best practices to HELP heal the communities they serve.

Our team provides support, education, and mental health services for children who have experienced interpersonal violence (such as sexual assault, physical abuse, and witnessing domestic violence), natural disasters, historical and intergenerational trauma (such as racism, antisemitism, islamophobia), and community-wide trauma (such as school shootings and COVID-19).

Talking about, and getting help for, trauma and grief has never been more important. We are here to help you.

I want to learn more about CHP

I want to prevent abuse and bullying

I want to get my child expert help

I want state of the art training

I want to learn more

I want to help CHP

I want to learn more about CHP

I want to prevent abuse and bullying

I want to get my child expert help

I want state of the art training

I want to learn more

I want to help CHP

CHP’s Impact

Educated about Trauma
Trained in Trauma Interventions
Families Helped

CHP Funders 


CHP Funders 
